Thursday, 16 July 2009

Back in the river

Last week I was back in the river with 3 morning sessions ynder my belt. Conditions were generally good all week, although the temperature was a fair bit colder due to the recent rains.

There was much more traffic in the river this week and you have to keep your wits about you when there are a few single sculls heading down the river towards you as they have their backs to you. It would also help if they went down the correct side of the river!!

Friday's swim was a nice long hour and I managed to get pretty cold during the swim. My body didn't warm up the entire day and ended up with that horrible aching feeling you get just before you come down with flu. Luckily this passed and I now feel back to my normal self.

I've been in the pool this week which is a lot less exciting (no rowers to watch out for) but happily warmer.

I've entered myself in a race over at Liquid Leisure which is a 1.5k swim on the 23rd. I'll keep you posted.

I'm off this weeeknd to Wales to climb Snowdon. Should be good but won't be getting in any swimming unfortunately. I'm sure the walk up will build some stamina though!!

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